Sunday, 7 December 2014

Sunday Savoury Pancakes

It's Sunday evening. We eagerly open the fridge after a long, potentially hungover day of procrastinating (Louisa) and actually working (Saskia). Our eyes widen with expectations of a roast dinner having magically appeared, fully ready to serve, but alas this is the #studentlyf and reality hits hard. What met our eyes is as follows:

  • Milk
  • A full bag of spinach (no, really)
  • A quarter jar of pesto
  • Two eggs
  • Cheese
  • Lots of cheese
The eternal question appeared: what the hell are we having for dinner? 

Fear not, for Saskia and I have devised the ultimate Sunday-Leftovers scheme. We present to you our Sunday Savoury Pancake recipe.

Difficulty Rating: Louisa - Saskia - Team Effort Essential

You will need:
  • 300ml semi-skimmed milk
  • 100g plain flour
  • 2 eggs
  • Pinch of salt
  • Fillings of choice [see below]
  • Essential pancake listening: "If You Wanna", The Vaccines
This has been a long-running Sunday routine, to the extent that we have defined roles in the Pancake Creation Process. Saskia, essentially, does the "dangerous" bit. You know, the bit with the heat and  - god forbid - the whisk. Louisa has no such responsibility.

Saskia's pancake mix:
  1. Measure said ingredients 
  2. Whisk the eggs together in a small bowl and abandon momentarily 
  3. Add the flour and a pinch of salt to a large bowl, and create a well in the middle
  4. Then add the milk and whisked eggs into the well. Whisk together until smooth
  5. Set aside for twenty minutes or so to let the mixture rest and then get cookin'
Louisa's Topping Ideas: 

Cheddar and chopped tomato
Basil, grated mozzarella and tomato
Spinach, pesto and cheddar
Cheddar and ham

... Basically whack some grated cheese in and you've got yourself a bangin' pancake.

Cooking Method:
  1. Get yourself some utensils. Preferably ones useful to the pancake-making process. We're talking a ladle and various flat spatulas.
  2. Heat the pan on medium-high and place a nob ("No, no, it's more a blob, it's a blob...") of butter into it. ("Actually you should put the butter in first, or you'll burn the pan. Like you did that time with the pasta, Louisa.")
  3. Place a ladle-ful of batter into the pan once the butter is bubbling. Wait a couple of minutes to gently slide a spatula under the pancake and flip it over. You could even go wild and try to flip it in the pan. Saskia has had mixed results with this.
  4. As soon as you flip it over, place your chosen fillings onto one half of dat p-cake. Wait a minute (we like the cheese to get melting) then fold the un-topping-ed half over the top. Gently slide onto a plate.
  5. Repeat until batter is used. ("Yeah, like they're going to keep going after the batter's gone.")
Sunday night sorted. We like to end this little soirée with a loud dance party to noughties pop music... Oh, wait, no, that's not just Sundays. Enjoy.

~The Sassy Fox

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