What is the appeal of dressing my nails in a surreal selection of designs? People ask this as I feverishly offer them a manicure - if you are on my property, I take it as an invitation to get out those Essie bottles. Am I being paid to do it? Does it take far less time than it seems? Am I secretly hooked on the smell of nail varnish, and this post is actually a cry for help? (... Do I have a life?)
No. No, no, and no.
Here are my reasons for nail-painting. Prepare to be shocked.
- I just enjoy it. Yes, I genuinely find it fun to create miniature paintings on my hands. It's portable and temporary, what's not to like? I no longer do art as a subject, so I have even more reason to crack open a polish - so much less time-consuming than dragging out a full-sized canvas... And unlike acrylic paint, nail polish is available in Boots.
- It cheers me up. Try to look me in the eye and tell me that ten happy, pink pigs wouldn't put a smile on that face o' yours.
- It's unique. No other accessory can be personalised in so much detail, at the drop of a hat. Hoorah for being an individual!
I finally got around to creating an Instagram dedicated solely to nail art, so click here if you would like to see some more of what goes on my nails.